Chiropractic Therapy
Getting you out of pain and keeping you there.A chiropractor is concerned with how the body’s skeletal and nervous systems are functioning. They are specialists in using exact, gentle manipulations of the spine to improve range of motion and flexibility. Some effective adjuncts to chiropractic treatment are Active Release Technique® and Medical Acupuncture.
At the Walsh Health & Wellness Centre, after a detailed history and physical exam we will determine a course of care.
We use a combination of therapies to help heal and restore your tissues to preinjury status.
Advance soft tissue techniques including Active Release Technique®
Medical Acupuncture to heal any irritated or inflamed nerves
Gentle Joint manipulation for spinal or other joint problems
Stretching and strengthening rehabilitation programs
Kinesiotaping to help allow damage tissue to heal
Helping You Stay Active & Injury Free
See how the Active Approach can make the difference in YOUR LIFE
Whether you are a professional athlete, recreational athlete, or a weekend warrior, we have the professionals that can help to keep you active and injury free.