What’s Your Condition?
After asking you about the type of pain that you are experiencing and the history of your pain, our doctors perform a physical exam to determine the cause. Your pain is then treated utilizing our integrated approach.

Sports Injury
Sports injuries can happen to anyone participating in sporting events and activities. In many cases the injury occurs when a part of the body is overused during a certain activity. Common examples include tennis elbow and runner’s knee.
Broken bones or torn ligaments or tendons are other types of sport related injuries caused by collisions or hard contact with something.
Immediate appointments are available for injuries caused by sports injuries. Our doctors will determine the cause of your pain and extent of injury using various testing procedures and X-rays if necessary.

Back Pain
Eighty percent of people experience low back pain at least once in their life, and it can affect one’s ability to work, sleep and play. Common causes of low back pain include sciatica, tight muscles and disk herniation. Treatment utilizing our integrated approach is very effective in eliminating low back pain.
Therapies using chiropractic, massage, laser therapy, spinal decompression and active release technique have tremendous success rates. We utilize either one or all of the therapies to rid your back of pain.

Work Injury
Make sure that any work related injury is reported immediately.
We will make accommodations to treat trauma related injuries immediately. Our doctors will determine the cause of your pain and extent of injury using various testing procedures and X-rays if necessary. If your injuries are a result of a work related injury they are fully covered by W.S.I.B. (Workplace Safety & Insurance Board).

Neck Pain
This is a very common condition that can be caused by injury from a car accident or fall (whiplash), poor posture or from the accumulation of stress in the upper back, shoulders or neck. Neck pain is often the predisposing factor to the most common type of headache called tension headaches. Treatment utilizing our integrated approach is very effective in eliminating pain from the neck and upper back.

Your muscles attach to your bones by tendons. Often these tendons become damaged from an injury or repetitive stress and then tendonitis results. Common tendonitis injuries are the rotator cuff in the shoulder, golfer’s or tennis elbow and Achilles tendonitis. Treatment utilizing our integrated approach is very effective in eliminating pain caused by tendonitis.
Laser Therapy with Active release and Graston technique are extremely effective in eliminating tendonosis and tendonitis.

Car Accident
If you have been involved in a car accident we will make immediate accommodations for an appointment to assess your injury.
Our doctors will determine the cause of your pain and extent of injury using various testing procedures and X-rays if necessary.
If your injury is a result of a car accident you are fully covered by your car insurance policy.

Foot Pain
Your feet are the foundation of every step that you take and it is very important that they function properly otherwise your ankles, knees, hips and back can be affected. Common foot problems are plantar fasciitis and overpronation. Our doctors can evaluate your feet and the mechanics of your gait cycle (the way that you walk) to help determine the source of your pain and treat it appropriately utilizing our Three Step Technique for building custon orthotics.

Repetitive Stress Injury
This is pain caused by performing a certain task over and over again such as typing, lifting or working on a line. The same muscles and joints are used which results in pain in those areas. Common repetitive stress injuries are carpal tunnel syndrome, medial epicondylitis and tennis elbow. Treatment utilizing our integrated approach is very effective in eliminating pain caused by repetitive stress injuries.
Additional Conditions That Can Be Treated Successfully
Calcium Deposits
Disc Bulges & Herniations
Dizziness & Vertigo
Headaches & Migraines
Infantile Colic
Jaw Pain (TMJ)
Joint Degeneration
Muscle Tears & Inflammation
Muscular Tightness & Soreness
Nerve Root Pain
Numbness, Tingling or Weakness
Pregnancy Related Pain
Running Injuries
Helping You Stay Active & Injury Free
See how the Active Approach can make the difference in YOUR LIFE
Whether you are a professional athlete, recreational athlete, or a weekend warrior, we have the professionals that can help to keep you active and injury free.